Why we connect LP port of DP transmitter to top of the tank????

Have you  ever noticed a tube connected from top of the closed tank to dp level transmitter??…why DP transmitter LP connected to tank top in closed tank level measurements .


Have you  ever noticed a tube connected from top of the closed tank to dp level transmitter??? You might have..And  if your job is in process instrumentation field,may be you are aware that there must need  a connection to the LP side of the transmitter from tank top if we are measuring level in a closed tank.

But do you know the reason behind???

Why we need tapping to  Lp side from top of the tank in closed tank  measurements???

And why we don’t need them in open tank measurement???

To understand the concept let us examine three cases separately .


Case 1: Open tank

Here high pressure side is connected to the tank bottom and low pressure side is opened to atmosphere. the transmitter measures differential pressure with respect to atmospheric pressure.In other words the HP side pressure is a measure of tank level .


DP due to liquid height


Pressure acting on  HP side
          HP =h×S.G
Pressure acting on Lp side
     LP  =0
     DP  = HP-LP
             = h×S.G  – 0
         so DP=HP
                    =pressure due to liquid height

So measuring HP side pressure is measuring level in open tank

Case :2 closed tank LP not connected to tank top

Let’s look at another condition
 we have a closed tank and suppose  we are measuring level without connecting LP port of transmitter to  the  tank top.

Does the transmitter shows correct reading???
The answer is no…..

Because in closed tank there may be vapour pressure developed above the top of the liquid and because the tank is closed .These pressure developed may be due to  the evaporation of the liquid or the process itself cause pressure development  such as pressurised  closed tanks.These pressure  above the top of the liquid surface may be huge like boiler steam drum or it may be a small one like that in closed water tank . whatever it is we don’t know anything about this pressure. And Our Dp transmitter HP side is sensing this extra pressure in addition to the head pressure due to liquid level. So it will show a value which is more than the actual level.

A DP transmitter connected to tank .No tube connection to tank top .

Let us examine the mathematical proof of this condition .See above figure

In this case ,

pressure acting on  HP side

          HP =h×SG+ k (suppose vapour pressure=k)

Pressure acting on Lp side

          LP  =0

          DP  = HP-LP

                  = h×S.G +k – 0


                  =DP due to liquid head
                           +vapour pressure

But the actual level corresponds to h×S.G
So the factor k makes error in level reading

Case: 3- LP port connected to tank top

In this case we are connecting the LP port to the tank top.  What happens in this situation is that the pressure in addition to the liquid head is simultaneously acting on HP port and LP port .So in effect the created DP is the contribution of liquid heads only.see the calculations below.

why DP transmitter LP connected to tank top in closed tank level measurements

In this case ,
pressure acting on  HP side

          HP =h×S.G+ k

Pressure acting on Lp side,

          LP  =k

          DP  = HP-LP

                  = h×S.G +k – k


                  =DP due to liquid head

So in short the tapping to tank top from transmitters LP port is mandatory for closed tank level measurements  using DP transmitter.And this tapping  cancels out the pressure developed above the liquid surface or extra pressure created in addition to the pressure due to the liquid head .So Dp transmitter  gets this Pressure in its HP side as well as in LP side .So the net effect of of differential pressure applied on DP transmitter is due to the liquid head only .Means it get a differential pressure proportional to level only .