Transmitter in process Industries
A transmitter is a general term . something transmitting a signal to a distance .we can call them like.
To be more specific ,In Instrumentation where measuring and controlling of many variables is established .Like in power plants,chemical plant etc .some common examples of variables in such industries are pressure, temperature,level,flow etc .For example pressure in tank,flow of liquor through pipe line, temperature of fluid etc . Hundreds of such variables have to be monitored and controlled in such industries .Lots of sensors and devices used for measuring these process parameters .They measure these parameters in field .In many cases these values of parameters should reach somewhere. Like control room, monitoring station,control panel etc . Transmitters are used for this

According to the transmitted variable
Pressure transmitter
Level transmitter
Flow transmitter
Temperature transmitter etc
According to the number of wires used
Two wire Transmitter
Three wire Transmitter
Four wire Transmitter etc .
so a pressure transmitter means what?They sense pressure in the required point and transmits a corresponding signal(usually in electric form such as 4–20 mA current signal) to control room or control panel ).In control room side these signals are processed displayed as the original variable .