What is Absolute pressure and gauge pressure.???
They are very important terms in pressure measurement applications .Before understanding the concepts of absolute pressure and gauge pressure it is essential to know about some terms .
Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric Pressure.
What is atmospheric pressure?.
Earth’s atmosphere is mainly enclosed of gases like nitrogen and oxygen.Also small quantity of other gases . The weight of these gases above us is the cause of atmospheric pressure . We know pressure is the force acting on a unit area .The weight of the gases above us is acting on the every point on earth .And we measure these forces per unit area as pressure .This is called atmospheric pressure .As the altitude increases the amount of gas above reduces .which causes the atmospheric pressure to reduce . Generally atmospheric pressure at sea level is used as a reference .
Vacuum and perfect vacuum
Any pressure below atmospheric pressure is vacuum or negative pressure . we can achieve vacuum in a volume by reducing the matter or amount of air in it. For example a vaccum pump connected to a chamber or vessel reduces the air in it by removing the air inside the chamber by suction.
Perfect vaccum or Absolute zero pressure
What if the complete matter in the cylinder or an enclosed volume removes ????.This state is called absolute vacuum or perfect vacuum .There will be no matter inside and this point of state is called the perfect vacuum or absolute zero pressure.
In short
1.perfect vacuum or absolute vacuum is a state of a space in which the complete absence of matter is maintained.
2.It is a hypothetical concept
Absolute pleasure and Gauge pressure measurement
Absolute pressure measurement
When pressure measurements are done with reference to perfect vacuum , it is called absolute pressure or absolute scale for pressure measurements.The zero reference point is the perfect vacuum state or absolute vacuum or absolute zero . No negative values in this scale.Absolute vacuum is the zero reference 0mmHg.In this scale atmospheric pressure is (760mmHg or 1 atm
Absolute pressure and Gauage pressure

Gauage pressure
In this scale of pressure measurements, atmospheric pressure is taken as zero reference ,ie Atmospheric pressure is taken as 0 in any units (0 mmHg ,0 psi ,0 bar etc).
From the above concepts ,it is evident that absolute pressure exceeds gauge pressure numerically by the amount of atmospheric pressure .Or we can write it as
Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure
In instrumentation and measurement systems , mostly the gauge scale is used .But there are some conditions where absolute pressure measurement has been employed . And the instruments are properly tagged to indicate the scale of pressure measurements .For example a pressure gauge marked it’s unit as ‘psia’ means its measurement is in absolute scale with pressure unit in psi .The a after psi stands for absolute .For gauge scale it is like ‘psi g’.The g represents gauge scale